In This Moment | Let's Dance!

One of my favourite first dance shots of all time. This was a very dark environment - a marquee with a black ceiling and very little in terms of ambient light directed on the front of the couple.

The stage lighting, which was continually rotating to the music, as well as the reaction the groom is giving to the crowd, came together perfectly in this one split second. The resulting photograph takes me right back to the moment, instantly and with absolute clarity, despite this image being created almost 7 years ago! The power of good documentary wedding photography.

The cameras I use now would have rendered this image with much more precision, more clarity and less noise. For me, however, it's more about that split-second moment and how an image makes you feel, even this many years on.

Camera and Lens Info:

Camera ● Canon 5D Mk 1 Lens ● 24mm 1.4 Aperture ● F1.4 ISO ● 3200 Shutter ● 125th