In This Moment | Just In Time!

I remember this moment with absolute clarity. This was the bride's sister and her (very new!) baby. I made this image during the bridal preparations at the stunning Abbey House Gardens in Malmesbury, one of my favourite spots for Wiltshire wedding photography.

What I remember most was the beautiful atmosphere in the room, they were clearly a very close family and having this latest edition arrive just in time for the wedding made for a perfect day.

It was such a tender moment - seeing this first-time, doting mother holding her little baby.

It's moments like these that make me realise just how privileged I am to do the job I do :)

Camera and Lens Info:

Camera ● Nikon D700 Lens ● 50mm Aperture ● F3.2 ISO ● 1600 Shutter ● 2000th