In This Moment | Midnight

This has to be one of my favourite images created last summer - captured just a few minutes after midnight in early July.

It’s quite common for me to stay late into the evening, especially during the summer months when the light lasts just that little bit longer. Sparkler runs are such an incredible way for a couple to exit their wedding - often jumping straight into a car and being driven to the airport to embark on their amazing honeymoon.

Essentially, you’re giving a naked flame to often hundreds of giddy guests. You’re then running backwards through a tunnel of dripping sparks simultaneously photographing the bride and groom - who may or may not have applied a touch more hairspray than usual that day.

There are very few moments during a wedding where I genuinely fear for my health… it’s really worth it though and this image sums up the very fun nature of the day, and Liv and Jack, perfectly!

Learn about my natural wedding photographer style or see Olivia and Jack’s full Berkshire wedding.

sparkler wedding photo of couple

Camera and Lens Info:

● Sony A7III ● Zeiss 35mm 1.4 ● f1.4 ● ISO 4000 ● 125th Shutter

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