In This Moment | Declarations

This emotional reportage wedding image, featuring Zoe and Julian, was created during a beautiful and intimate wedding ceremony in the Victorian Chapel at Fulham Palace in London.

What I love about this photograph is how it depicts the atmosphere and the emotion of the moment with absolute clarity.

It sums up, concisely, what I’m looking to achieve through my documentary wedding photography practice - an honest, authentic and timeless representation of a day. Nothing forced, awkward or contrived.

Emotional ceremony photograph

In 2018 I was honoured to have the image featured in this TV commercial by Penn Medicine in the US, it’s shown around 47 seconds in, worth a watch…

Next steps:

Camera and Lens Info:

● Fuji X-T1 ● XT56mm 1.2R ● F1.2 ● ISO 4000 ● Shutter 125th