Nick & Lizzie's winter wedding at Orchardleigh Estate

At the start of the year, I documented Lizzie and Nick's charming little wedding at Orchardleigh Estate in the quiet Somerset town of Frome.

This wedding is typical of those I photograph at Orchardleigh in that it had an incredibly warm and intimate atmosphere, perfect for dramatic black and white wedding photography. Obviously this has a great deal to do with the people involved but I like to think that the venue is the perfect setting for this atmosphere to develop.

Orchardleigh is dark, in fact very dark in certain areas and often the lighter areas are still only candlelit. This ambience helps me to work discretely and moreover very close to my subjects. Shooting close allows me a unique and privileged insight into the true essence of a day and is crucial as I aim to create a very personal selection of images for couples.

Nick and Lizzie had their wedding ceremony at All Saints Church just on the outskirts of the estate, thankfully it was held by a wedding photographer-friendly vicar I've got to know and grow fond of over the years.

Here are just a very few of my favourites from this delightful wedding in Somerset.